Male • 9 weeks
BirthdayNovember 30, 2024
AvailableI'm ready today!
Mom's Weight22 - 25 lbs
Dad's Weight20 - 22 lbs
ColorTan & White
Registry UABR
Financing Options are Available.
Have specific questions about Jax? Call (888) 671-0518
About Jax
Hi, I'm Jax! It's very nice to meet you. I am a very outgoing puppy looking for a family where I would fit in! If you think you could be that family, hurry up and pick me up. I will be up to date on my vaccinations before coming home to you, so we can play as soon as I get there. I'm very excited about meeting my new family, so please don't make me wait too long!
Jax will be current on vaccinations & vet exams before going home.
Quick Facts About Beagles
Loveable Beagles are gentle and affectionate family pets and they possess one of the most powerful noses in the animal kingdom!
Temperament Friendly, Curious, Playful
Energy Moderate
Breed Group Hound