Male • 14 weeks
BirthdayNovember 6, 2024
AvailableI'm ready today!
Mom's Weight5 - 6 lbs
Dad's Weight3 1/2 - 4 lbs
ColorBlack & Tan
VarietyLong Coat Apple Head
Financing Options are Available.
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About Irving
I know I'm just a dog, but if you feel sad, I'll be your smile. If you cry, I'll be your comfort. And if someone breaks your heart, we can use mine. I will always be by your side. Life is better with a dog by your side. I will be your ultimate source of joy. I will be unconditional love with a furry, fuzzy face. Truth be told, I’m not just a dog, we are never just a dog.
Irving will be current on vaccinations & vet exams before going home.
Quick Facts About Chihuahuas
Chihuahuas, the smallest dogs, have large personalities and lots of affection for their owners.
Temperament Graceful, Charming, Confident
Energy Moderate
Breed Group Toy