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All Breeds
catahoula leopard dog

catahoula leopard dogs

Breed Overview

Quick facts

Lifespan10-14 Years
TemperamentIndependent, Alert, Intelligent
Shedding AmountLow
Breed GroupHerding

Personality & Training

Tendency to Bark




Physical Characteristics

Average Height

Females: 0 in
Males: 0 in

Average Weight

Females: 0 lbs
Males: 0 lbs

Grooming Requirements

Bathe as Needed, Brush Weekly

Drool Amount


BlackBlue LeopardBrindleChocolateRedRed LeopardSilverSilver LeopardTan
White MarkingsTan MarkingsBrindle MarkingsRed PatchworkBlue PatchworkSilver Patchwork

About catahoula leopard dogs

The Catahoula Leopard Dog is a striking, distinctive dog. Highly intelligent and energetic, this breed was originally bred to hunt wild boar, and is still used as a hunting and tracking dog today. This breed comes in many different colors, including merle, brindled or solid, and often has “cracked glass” eyes, which are blue-white in color. Catahoulas are very confident but even tempered and loving, especially towards their families. They do well in Large Living Spaces due to their size and activity level.