Male • 9 weeks
BirthdayDecember 12, 2024
AvailableI'm ready today!
Mom's Weight5 - 6 lbs
Dad's Weight6 - 7 lbs
ColorBlack Sabled Fawn
VarietyLong Coat Apple Head
Financing Options are Available.
Have specific questions about Cyrus? Call (888) 671-0518
About Cyrus
Are you looking for a new baby? Or a new sibling to any two-legged children? I’d like to present my resume for the position. I think I’d be the perfect candidate! I’m noble of heart and gentle of spirit. I promise to love you and the rest of the fam, whether they have four legs or two, all the days of my life. Not to brag, but around my parts, I am a pretty big deal! I constantly hear how cute I am, and lots of awws and cooing are fanned over me. But I’m ready to spread my wings (if I had wings that is, I’m pretty sure I only have paws) and take a permanent position in your family!
Cyrus will be current on vaccinations & vet exams before going home.
Quick Facts About Chihuahuas
Chihuahuas, the smallest dogs, have large personalities and lots of affection for their owners.
Temperament Graceful, Charming, Confident
Energy Moderate
Breed Group Toy