Cheyanna Ashley

Cheyanna has been in the puppy industry for over 13 years. She is currently operating as the Director of Breeder Development and Operations for PuppySpot. She has an enormous wealth of knowledge afforded to her both through first-hand experience and through working with the best breeder's in the industry for over a decade.

36 Articles

Your Puppy's Development: 7 Weeks

At seven weeks old, your puppy is nearly ready to come home! Some puppies need just one last week to develop alongside their littermates, with their mom as a guide. Seeing how active she can be during this stage, though, it's clear that she's almost ready for a new chapter ...

Your Puppy's Development: 6 Weeks

Your puppy is now six weeks old and one step closer to becoming independent! He is likely weaned, or very close to being weaned from his mother. Just as humans learn appropriate behaviors from their family and peers at a young age, puppies also must learn social cues during this ...

Your Puppy's Development: 5 Weeks

Week five is when a puppy is exposed to new faces other than his mom and littermates. At this age, your puppy appears more playful and curious by the day. She is exploring the world around her and learning how to interact with others. Socialization is all about learning how ...

Your Puppy's Development: 4 Weeks

During the first four weeks of a puppy's life, integral development begins that will set the stage for the rest of his life. While still very young, the puppy takes his first step towards independence: weaning. It is during this period of time that your puppy starts to gain independence ...

When The Bite's Bigger Than The Bark: Aggression in Dogs Part 3

Dogs are complicated animals with distinct personalities and therefore temperaments based on their individual genetic makeup, environmental factors and breed history. Just like humans, dogs have faults and behaviors that need correcting. And one of those common issues is aggression. While we've established in Part One of this series that ...

When The Bite's Bigger Than The Bark: Aggression in Dogs Part 2

Dog aggression is a serious problem that can cause high anxiety, anger and heartbreak for owners, ultimately result in dangerous injuries (for both dogs and humans) and end in potentially fatal consequences, not to mention lead to cases of homeless and abandoned dogs. To better equip you with information and ...

When The Bite's Bigger Than The Bark: Aggression in Dogs Part 1

Aggression in dogs is a scary, yet complex behavioral pattern, but is common and treatable with an intensive training plan. It's important to accept at the onset of dog ownership that most dogs will exhibit some form of aggression at some point, typically when guarding their territories or protecting themselves ...

Brachycephalic Dog Breeds: How to Care For Your Brachycephalic Puppy

The first thing you probably notice when you see a pug, boxer, or bulldog is that cute, wrinkly, smooshed-in face (Who can resist those velvety folds?). But underneath those wrinkles is a medical condition to be aware of, which can negatively impact a dog's quality of life. If you have ...

What to Know about Spaying and Neutering Your Puppy

Spaying and neutering, defined as the sterilization of dogs through removal of their reproductive organs, are safe and routine medical practices performed by veterinarians across the country. But, the average dog owner may not know why the procedure is done, the associated benefits and whether the surgery is necessary. So, ...

How to Crate Train a Puppy

The philosophy behind crate training your furry companion is to create a familiar and safe location where your dog will want to enter of her own will and enjoy relaxing and sleeping inside her very own comfy and cozy spot. Because dogs don't like to soil their sleeping areas, they ...

The Giardia Parasite in Puppies: Symptoms and Treatment

Giardia is a common intestinal parasite that affects both humans and pets, including our canine friends. If you're worried about your new puppy being infected by Giardia, have no fear. We've laid out all you need to know about Giardia, answering some common questions and debunking misconceptions about the ailment. ...

Epilepsy in Dogs: Is My Dog at Risk for Seizures?

Seizures don't just affect those of us who walk on two legs. Our four-legged friends can also suffer from seizures, and if the fits of uncontrollable twitching turn into a pattern, your dog may have epilepsy. About Canine Seizures Seizures are uncontrollable outbursts of twitching or shaking which result from ...

Clean Your Dog's Ears in Just a Few Easy Steps

With all of the upkeep that goes into caring for your beloved pooch, ear cleaning can be an easily forgotten hygiene task. But don't play this health regimen "by ear," if you catch our drift. It's imperative to clean your dog's ear canals on a regular basis and keep them ...

What to Expect at 8-12 Weeks of Age

Congratulations! Between 8-12 weeks, your puppy has arrived home and the intense bonding process between puppy and family has already begun. You've entered a crucial learning period which will provide the foundation for your puppy's mental and physical development. Newly away from his biological mommy and litter siblings, your puppy ...

Finding Puppy's Groomer: Consider These Factors

Something as superficial as your dog's hairstyle may seem silly and unimportant, but choosing a professional groomer should be a high priority. Depending on your dog's breed and hygiene needs, they could be visiting the groomer as often as every 4-6 weeks, so deciding who will be responsible for keeping ...

First Vet Check With Your New Puppy: What Questions to Ask

Now that you're a new parent of a bundle of furry joy, it's your responsibility to take care of your pup's health needs. It's crucial to do your research when choosing your veterinarian. Visit a few in your area, get recommendations from friends or neighbors, and make sure you're comfortable ...

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