Resource Center / Dog Ownership / Cats vs. Dogs: Which Make Better Pets

Cats vs. Dogs: Which Make Better Pets

Stuti is PuppySpot’s Director of Digital Marketing. She has been a long-time dog lover, and is a dog mom to one of the cutest Golden Retrievers around. She is passionate about the betterment of puppies everywhere and bringing to light truths surrounding responsible breeding.

It is sometimes said that there are two types of people: cat people and dog people. Each will try to argue why their pet is best, yet a consensus is never reached. Here's what we have to say about the two furry creatures--and by the end of this article, you can reach a conclusion on your own.

While felines have the cute and cuddly appeal of dogs, the similarities between the two domesticated animals pretty much stop there. Cats and dogs are said to have almost opposite personalities. For cats, the stereotype is that of an aloof, amusingly self-centered creature who offers limited affection. However, depending on the individual cat, felines can be very affectionate creatures who will show their love when and with whom they trust.

While cats are cool, dogs are our favorite for many reasons. Their loyalty, humanlike gazes and unconditional love towards their owners make them irresistible companions, while their playfulness and energy give them an apparent zest for life. Though personality varies between breeds and individual dogs, canines tend to express enthusiasm towards being around their owners, while a cat's relationship with humans looks more like indifference.

When it comes to housetraining, cats require almost no prompting to use the litterbox; the act is purely instinctual. Yet whether out of lack of skill or just mere disinterest, cats won't do tricks or follow the commands that dogs do, nor can they be trained for service jobs. Despite this, cats are very intelligent and are believed to have much longer memories than dogs. Cats also have extraordinary night vision, and their speed rivals that of dogs.

A dog's famous sense of smell not only makes for a curious creature, but a dog's nose has also proven useful for important tasks such as detecting bombs, drugs, missing people and even cancer. Dogs will do almost anything to please their humans. On the other hand, training them comes at a cost. The time and energy needed to housetrain, socialize and teach dogs obedience, especially to become "working dogs," is intensive.

Because of their generally clean nature, cats do not require as much grooming as dogs. They like to lick themselves clean and typically do not need a bath unless they have gotten themselves especially dirty. Grooming and maintaining a dog's health, on the other hand, can vary in price and time commitment, depending on the breed. However, both cats and dogs will need regular nail trims.

Statistics on cat aggression are quite slim, though because of their retractable claws which always stay sharp, a cat's scratch can be comparable to a dog's bite. However, instances of aggression in both cats and dogs often result from lack of training or poor parental supervision.

For better or for worse, cats are solitary creatures. They can thrive both indoors and outdoors, and are independent enough to survive without their owner for long periods of time, as long as there is food and water left for them. Dogs are largely pro-social creatures, which may make them more dependent on their owners, but it is just a result of their boundless love for our company.

Cats and dogs may be at opposite ends of the spectrum, but there are pros and cons for owning each. Our pet of choice is the loyal and fun-loving dog, but who says you can't have both?

Who do you think wins the cat vs. dog contest? Comment below!

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